Up-cycled Colorful Chandelier

05 September
Don't you just love the look of a pretty chandelier? Me too... but not the price!

I found this little one at a thrift shop and knew right away it would be so cute with a makeover :o)

colorful chandelier

Here is what it looked like before I sprayed it this pretty lime green.

It didn't have crystals so I found some on eBay.

Here is a close up of one of the crystals, they are plastic so I didn't feel bad in the least about painting them :o) In fact they look better now because as you can see, the plastic had started to yellow.

I forgot to take a picture before I took the old fixture down but this is basically what mine looked like... except not even this cute! (I'll be sure to take pictures before I replace the others!)

I had to purchase the ceiling cap thingy and I think that was $6.99 at Home Depot.

When I tried to install it though it kept giving me trouble because every time I tried to secure it up to the ceiling the middle section of the chandelier kept coming apart and the wires would show! Ugh! I messed with that thing for about an hour until my arms were too tired to hold above my head any more... so I took it back down and glued that section of the chandelier together and then walked away until the next day.

When I finally got it up and turned the electricity back on and the light worked I was so excited that I actually jumped a little and clapped my hands!!

Here is a little peek at what the spare bedroom looks like with its new darling baby chandelier! I love it!!

New chandy cost:

Chandelier - $3.99 (thrift store score)
Crystals - $14.31  (eBay - 7 plastic replacement crystals)
Ceiling Cap Kit - $6.99 (Home Depot)
Lime Green Spray Paint - FREE (I already had it!)

Total cost: $25.29

Posted by: at 05 September Tag:

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  1. I have the same old light fixture in a couple of my bedrooms as you did. I really need to replace those & you've given me some inspiration to do so! Thanks for stopping by Carrie This Home!

  2. Looks great Tania! I too have some of those lovely light fixtures that I need to update. I love chandies in any room...and yours turned out so pretty! Love the green. Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane


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