Before and After - Trash to Treasure Makeovers

27 August
Today I have some trash to treasure makeovers to share...

Trash to treasure thrift shop flips

I went to the garage and grabbed three random things that were in need of makeovers and just got started!

The little tool box and sewing box are both from garage sales.

The magazine rack is something that I had painted yeeaaarrrsss ago and used in my house. Then I gave it to my mom who gave it to my dad who used it in the garage for years. It made full circle and they gave it back to me!

I painted them all with the same taupe/grey color. It's what I had left over from my new booth space at the antique mall.

This little tool trug is cute!

I slopped the paint on and then sanded all the edges and the handle.

Didn't it turn out nice? It's down at the antique mall now.

The magazine rack was already painted but was in need of freshening. The pictures made it look better than it was.

Here it is, painted and distressed.

This baby holds a LOT of magazines too!!

The little sewing box looks much better now I think. It was kind of ... rustic... and not in a good way!

I painted the whole outside of it... hinges and all!

And then painted "Mending" on one of the lids.

It has a handy little thread holder inside!

I don't know about you but I hate mending clothes... but this would make the job a little better!

After these projects I went shopping!!! You know... to buy more stuff... :o/

Posted by: at 27 August Tag:

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  1. You are one very busy woman!

  2. Sweet! Love all of these projects!

  3. It's good to have a plan! Otherwise the day just kind of slips by without much getting done. Ask my how i know!! Love the little sewing (mending) box re-do!

  4. You are as busy as a bee! I just love your sweet mending box :) It was a delight to have you at Roses of Inspiration - thanks for joining the party. Hugs!

  5. Yay! You finished some quickies. I love simple projects like these which give a sort of instant gratification and sense of accomplishment. AND, of course, allows time to junk shop. the mending box is my favorite.

  6. All 3 are really cute & should sell quickly I would think!

  7. Hi Tania! :)
    Dang day jobs messing with our quest for creativity! I hear you!
    I love all three projects you did...the mending box is so cute with the writing on it! I have never seen a magazine holder like that one before, it is pretty neat!
    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! :)


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