7 Days of Thrift Shop Flips for National Thrift Shop Day - Day 4 - Vintage Music Books

18 August
Hello! If you're popping in for the first time, I've been having my own little party here in honor of National Thrift Shop day (August 17th). Today is day 4 of 7 days of thrift shop flips!

Today's project is so simple I'm almost embarrassed to share... but I'm going to anyway! :o) Sometimes simple is better!

thrift shop flips

This project started with these vintage music sheet booklets I found at a new thrift shop in town.

I bought 5 of them for .50 cents each and I chose three of them for this project. Then I picked up these frames from a few yard sales for .50 cents to a $1.00 each.

And yep, you guessed it!! I framed the music books!

The frames got quick little updates with spray paint colors to compliment the music books.

Isn't she cute with her mischievous little eyes?

The frames had mats or cardboard backers in them already so I just reused them for mounting these booklets. For this one I put the mat on behind the music book, this is the back view.

I think this one is my favorite.

These cost less than $2.00 each to make and are the simplest project ever but it just goes to show that you can shop your local thrift shops and create some awesome, unique home decor for next to nothing!

Come on back tomorrow to see the makeover of this spice rack.

Posted by: at 18 August Tag:

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  1. It may be simple, but I love what you did! They look great! Let us know if they sell in your booth too.

  2. I love the artwork on these old sheet music booklets! They're usually pretty fragile, so framing is the perfect solution to preserve them.

  3. Love these. I picked up some frames at a garage sale yesterday so I can do this too.

  4. Sheet music books are like little pieces of art.


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