DIY Heart Carrots

30 March

I know, I know... Easter is almost here!

I have some cute last-minute Easter decor to share though!

You may remember the DIY Shamrock Wreath for St. Patrick's Day that I made with some styrofoam hearts. Well, I had some more of the hearts and decided to make some cute carrots with them!

DIY Heart Carrots

DIY Heart Carrots

These are the supplies I used to make these. I also used some orange bias tape (not pictured) because they didn't seem orange enough with the fabric I chose 😊

DIY Heart Carrots

I followed the same process to wrap the styrofoam hearts with fabric that I used in the shamrock wreath tutorial. 

And like I stated above, I didn't think they were quite orange enough so I used some orange bias tape that I had and wrapped that around them over the fabric.

DIY Heart Carrots

To make the stem, I used some green fringe and green rick-rack trims.

DIY Heart Carrots

I just rolled up the rick-rack with a section of the fringe trim so that the rick-rack stuck up from the top a little.

DIY Heart Carrots

Use hot-glue to add the stem to the top of the heart and then add a little snip of fringe to the bottom like roots! 😁

DIY Heart Carrots

I think they are pretty cute! They would be adorable strung on a banner!

DIY Heart Carrots

I only made two so I am displaying them in a basket on my fireplace mantel.

DIY Heart Carrots

My Easter mantel is very subtle this year.

DIY Heart Carrots

DIY Heart Carrots

DIY Heart Carrots

DIY Heart Carrots

Posted by: at 30 March Tag:

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  1. Very creative! I don't know if i'd have thought of using hearts for Easter carrots!

    1. I have one more little heart left, hoping to come up with another creative use for it!


  2. These are very cute--and so is your mantel.

  3. Woot woot, your commenting system is back up! Such a cute and clever idea for DIY carrots, Tania.

  4. Heart carrots . . . so creative! Love it. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen

  5. It's very creative! I really like what you did Tania. I will recreate this in the easter thanks a lot for sharing this!

  6. Such a sweet decoration! Hope you had a lovely Easter, dear Tania.


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