DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

10 February

I love Anthropologie, specifically the Anthro Home section and I love browsing around their website. I wish there was a store near me but there isn't so the website will have to do.

I get a lot of inspiration from them and it's always fun to see how others have used their things in their homes but unless you have an abundance of money hanging around, let's face it... they are a bit spendy. Sorry, Anthro 😬

I do like to try and recreate some of these items myself though or use their item as inspiration to create something that has the same vibe like I did with the DIY Anthropologie-Inspired Christmas Tree Topper, the DIY Anthropologie Knock-Off Lamp #1, and DIY Anthropologie Knock-Off Lamp #2, and the Copy Cat Sunburst Mirror DIY!

Today I'm sharing another project that is inspired by Anthropologie. 

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

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One of their brands is Terrain and they sell a pretty heart-shaped grapevine wreath for $38.

Now, that doesn't sound like a lot for a wreath except... that price is only for the wreath form... the heart-shaped grapevine wreath... it doesn't include the flowers on it that they show in their first picture.

Well, I was at Goodwill the other day and I happened upon this heart-shaped wreath form and it was just $2.99!

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

I immediately thought of those pretty Terrain wreaths and knew I could create something similar. I especially love the one with the pink palm frond but I used bits of all of them for my inspiration.

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

You can most likely find everything you need at a craft store if you can't thrift it but I've added links to similar items in the supplies listed below in case you can't.

Supplies Needed to Make Your Own

I started by giving my wreath a whitewash coat to lighten it up like the inspiration wreaths. I just added a little water to some white craft paint and brushed it on the wreath.

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

Then I let it dry overnight.

I picked up these faux stems at Target's Dollar Spot last year but they are pretty popular right now so they may have them again. Check the Dollar Store too!

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

Then I went through my stash of faux flowers and stems and gathered up what I thought I might use.

I used everything you see here except for the eucalyptus and the large cabbage rose, they just didn't look right.

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

The pink palm frond went on first by just trimming the stem down a bit and then poking it through the grapevine wreath branches. Mine was pretty secure but you can secure it with some hot glue if needed.

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

Then I added some whispy-looking greenery on both sides of the palm. I used glue on this and the following items.

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

Then some fern leaves (these were from Walmart a couple years ago).

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

I added these right over the top of the other greenery.

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

Then I added in some Lamb's Ear leaves. These are soft and fuzzy... hence the name Lamb's ear 😊

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

I just tucked a few in here and there to fill it out a little.

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

Then some of these pink stems.

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

Then some Bunny Tails... I think you can tell why these are called Bunny Tails 😁

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

And finally, I added this tattered rose.

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

Funny story about these roses... I did an experiment with some cheap Dollar Store roses about 12 years ago now 😮 I wanted to see if I could make my own vintage-looking millinery flowers. I took those cheap roses and I did all sorts of inhumane things to them...

I boiled them... I sanded them... I ripped and tore them... I bleached them... I ran them through the washer and dryer... heck, I even ran over them with the car 😂 It was actually pretty fun and this is one of the results and also the finishing touch to my Anthropologie-inspired wreath!

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

It's hanging on my front porch now for Valentine's Day 💗

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

What do you think?

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

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DIY Anthropologie Heart Wreath Dupe

Posted by: at 10 February Tag:

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  1. It’s perfect! Love it!

  2. I particularly like how the floral arrangement hides the crossed bottom of the wreath. The paper palm leaf really adds to the texture of the finished product. Well done :)

    1. Thank you so much! I probably could have just cut off the crossed portion too but covering it worked :)

  3. It's so pretty, especially the "abused" rose. (ha) I think it's so much better than the Terrain ones because you can customize the colors you want. A+ again!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I like that you can customize it for your colors :)

  4. Very pretty! Love the soft colors. The way you hung it is creative, too! Great project!

  5. Anthropologie worthy dupe Tania - it's gorgeous!


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