DIY Squirrel Feeder

11 June
Spring and summer are prime time for some outdoor DIYs and what better than something to add interest to our outdoor spaces AND feed some of our little outdoor friends!

This one is for the squirrels hanging out around your place.

I know some people consider them pests, they like to rob bird feeders and stash walnuts all around the yard resulting in unwanted trees sprouting up here and there.

But why not give them a feeder of their own?

This project is so easy, you'll have one made in no time.

DIY Squirrel Feeder

DIY Squirrel Feeder

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Supplies Needed
  • Doll-size chair similar to THIS ONE
  • Large screw or bolt and nut (about 4" long)
  • Drill bit
  • Screw to attach it to a fence or tree
  • Wire fence staples
  • An ear of corn

This is not my original idea, it's something I found on Pinterest and decided to recreate for my yard. Here is the inspiration photo.

DIY Squirrel Feeder

When I saw this photo, I remembered I have a chair very similar to this one! 

Here is the chair I have. I picked this one up at a thrift store but you can find similar chairs that are vintage on Etsy (check the link in the supply list above, just make sure it isn't dollhouse size). A wooden chair would work too if you seal it for weather protection.

DIY Squirrel Feeder

To make this adorable squirrel feeder, you'll need to drill a hole in the top of the chair so you can attach it to a fence or tree.

DIY Squirrel Feeder

Then drill another hole in the seat of the chair for the post you'll add for the ear of corn. Make sure to put it off-center to leave room for the squirrels to have a seat!

DIY Squirrel Feeder

Next, use the hold you drilled in the seat to add the post to hold the corn.  I found a large screw for the corn post and a nut to hold the screw into the seat in my shop.

DIY Squirrel Feeder

Now you are ready to attach it to a fence or tree using the hole you drilled in the top of the chair and a wood screw.

If you have a chair like mine, you may also need to secure the bottom of the chair to the fence or tree. I used some wire fence staples that I had.

DIY Squirrel Feeder

DIY Squirrel Feeder

DIY Squirrel Feeder

Now add an ear of corn, admire your cute project...

DIY Squirrel Feeder

And wait for them to find their cute new feeder!

DIY Squirrel Feeder

DIY Squirrel Feeder

DIY Squirrel Feeder

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, please share!


DIY Squirrel Feeder
Posted by: at 11 June Tag:

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  1. I've never seen a squirrel feeder. It is adorable and the multitude of squirrels that live around here would love it. Now to find an itty bitty chair.

    1. I bet you could find a small chair on Etsy or eBay. Metal ones will last the longest.

      Glad you liked this project Sharon! :o)


  2. It's adorable. Did that make the cut when you moved?

  3. That is so cute. I'll have to remember this.

  4. I have never seen squirrels where we live. We have lots of birds and the occasional nuisance skunk. This project is adorable and the birds would probably like it too.

  5. OK now I'm gonna want to see a picture with the squirrel. This is just too adorable. You are such a gracious hostess. And lucky you that you had a similar chair to use. Pinning and sharing. Tania thanks for all the sweet inspiration.

  6. Oh my gosh, how adorable is this! I even have the perfect mini chair that I've had no idea what do with. Thanks for the inspiration and my squirrels thank you too 😉


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