11 DIY Fall Decorations You Won't Have to Store
27 September
I can hardly believe the fall season is here already, can you?!
Once I finally get over the fact that the stores start putting out holiday décor items waaay before the average person is ready, I like to stroll the holiday aisles to see what’s new and different from last year.
I also like to see all the holiday-themed projects from my fellow bloggers and surf Pinterest for inspiration.
I want to #makealltheholidaycrafts!! But then I soon realize that I’ll have to actually find a place to store all these wonderful holiday decorations when the big day is over. 😬
This year I am planning to do a big purge of my holiday items as I am dragging them all out of storage. I don’t ever go all out and decorate every corner of my home so why do I need 56 bins of stuff for each holiday?!
But fall is here and Halloween is right around the corner and I see all kinds of inspiration around me so, what’s a girl to do?
Well, I have the answer... make things that don't require storage space (or if they do it's very, very minimal storage requirements)! I have rounded up a bunch of ideas to share.
11 DIY Fall Decorations You Won't Have to Store!
I'm so excited about these projects! They are all things you can easily make with repurposed household items and then either throw them out or put them back to their original use when the season is over!
Yippee for reduce, reuse, recycle!!😀
1. Book Pumpkin
To start off the roundup, look at this adorable rolled book paper pumpkin from Autumn at It's Always Autumn!
If you have an old book that you can use then you can easily undo the baker's twine and unroll the pages and it takes up very little space until next year... or recycle it!
Source: It's Always Autumn |
2. Repurposed Basket
I found this next one on Pinterest and unfortunately, the Pin doesn't go anywhere so I cannot give proper credit but isn't this cute?!
You could use almost any sort of basket you may have... a picnic basket (metal, rattan, etc.), an old lunchbox, or even a breadbox! Fill it with mini pumpkins and gourds, a branch or two off a tree, some dried flowers, etc.
When you're done, toss out the stuff inside and put your basket back!
Here is one I made with an old toolbox that was being thrown out: Repurposed Toolbox Fall Decor.
3. Fence Post Pumpkins
These don't have a source either but these fence post pumpkins would be easy to make if you have a few old posts lying in the woodpile. Then throw them back into the wood pile when the season is over (if you can bear it!)
Source: Unknown
Here are some I made with 4x4 posts: Trash to Treasure Scrap Wood Boho Pumpkins
And some with wood scraps decorated with a little wood burning: Wood Burned Pumpkins
4. Fall Rake Wreath
Maybe you have an old rake like this lying around? This is from Tiffany at TeeDiddlyDee!
I like that this one still has the handle so if you need to use it you can take the decorations off!
Source: TeeDiddlyDee
5. Recycled Food Cans
What a great idea to recycle some cans into fall vases! This is from Aunt Ruthie's Sugar Pie Farmhouse.
I think it would be super cute to use pumpkin pie filling cans!
Source: Sugar Pie Farmhouse
6. Scrubber Pumpkins
This idea is just adorable! It's from Kelly at My Soulful Home.
They are made from Scotch Brite copper scrubbers!! When you're done you can scrub dishes with them!!
Source: My Soulful Home
7. Sweater Vases
You probably have an old sweater that you can use to cover a vase! When the season is over, undress the vases!
This pin didn't have a source either.
Source: Unknown
8. Toilet Paper Pumpkins
This idea is just genius! They are made from full rolls of toilet paper!! Just unwrap them to get to the TP roll again!
Source: Unknown
9. Mini Pumpkin Vase Filler
Heather from New House New Home shared this simple but effective idea! Fill some vases with mini pumpkins! Unfortunately, her website is no longer active.
Source: New House New Home (no longer active)
10. Fall Wheelbarrow
This fall-decorated wheelbarrow is so pretty and a great way place to keep your wheelbarrow!
11. Fall Urn Planter
This is pretty! You can reuse a planter after you have removed the summer's flowers!
It's from Debra at Common Ground.
Source: Common Ground
So, there are 11 ideas for fall decor that you don't have to store! What do you think? There are some pretty sweet decorations here, which one is your favorite?
Here are some more ideas you may enjoy:
If you enjoyed this post or got some ideas, I'd love it if you would share it!
Posted by: Tania | Little Vintage Cottage
at 27 September