DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

03 November

My daughter and I are working on her rental kitchen making it cuter and much more efficient.

If you are new, let me catch you up real quick. I purchased a new rental property from my parents and my daughter is currently living there. So, while it is my house and some of the things we are doing to improve it are permanent (like new floors), many of the updates we are doing are renter-friendly so when she moves out and I want to rent to someone else, the things we've done are easily reversible.

The house is just barely over 1,000 square feet, but the kitchen is quite large so there is room for some things to make it function a little better for her. Check out the tour here: New Rental House Tour.

I recently found two old drawers on the curb with a free sign on them and while I didn't have an idea in mind when I picked them up, it didn't take long before this idea popped into my head.

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

The only thing we purchased new for this DIY spice rack was the little wheels. Everything else was either found (the drawers) or something we had already.

I made a video showing how we made it.

I made a smaller one from scratch for my own kitchen. You can see it in this post: Storage Ideas for Small Kitchens.

These drawers are vintage and I actually thought they were pretty cute. There are lots of other things you can make with old drawers, I've linked a few ideas at the end.

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

To make this rolling spice rack with the curbside drawers, the first step was to clean them up! I used Lysol with bleach. (I apologize for the bad pictures, they are taken from the video so the quality is lacking. Be sure to watch the video for the full project 😉)

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

I stacked one on top of the other and attached them with screws. The shelves are made with a board that we found in the house and screwed in from the sides.

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

I added dowels in front of each shelf to hold the spices in place.

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

We filled all the holes and painted the whole thing with leftover paint. We used green from the kitchen island we have been working on and Navajo White from the upstairs loft bedroom.

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

The handle is a leftover from the new hardware we added to the kitchen cupboards.

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

Here it is all finished!

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

This is what this side of the kitchen looked like before.

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

And here is what it looks like now.

I also made a shelf that fits over the top of the stove. It's made with 2x4 legs and a 1x6 across the top. The leg on the right sits on the counter and the one on the left goes all the way to the floor. 

The top sits against the wall which makes the top of the stove useful (things won't fall behind now) and makes it look more built-in and finished.

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

We also replaced the dated pot rack with a DIY copper one, I'll share that project soon and we've got lots more projects in store for this kitchen so stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed this post and got some ideas for your own kitchen. If you did, you may also like these ideas for old drawers:

DIY Rolling Spice Rack from Curbside Finds

Posted by: at 03 November Tag:

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  1. That is not only attractive but so useful. Great idea!!

    1. Thank you! I have something similar in my kitchen too and I think they are so cute :)

  2. What a great repurpose of found drawers. Love the color and what a perfect use for that narrow space beside the stove. There's so much storage in that little unit.

    1. Thanks Tuula! It really does add a lot of storage space and frees up some space in her small pantry :)

  3. What a great idea, Tania! This is perfect for a small kitchen like mine that doesn't have enough cupboards to dedicate one for spices. I have a couple of drawers collecting dust in my basement and some casters so this is definitely happening. Thanks for the idea!


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